Premium Membership


IMPORTANT: The Roar of Awakening uses the Paypal and Stripe platforms to manage payment methods. Here you can pay with Credit and Debit card, Google Pay, Apple pay and sometimes Bank Transfer. To get our emails we recommend that you add our email ([email protected]) to your contacts so you don’t miss our content. Also, you will get an important email for you to confirm your email address so you start getting the Email follow ups. To obtain the 7 days for a small fee it is necessary to add all the data and a payment method. Sometimes the user has to contact their bank or paypal to authorize the transaction. When the subscription happens, you will get an email, please check your inbox or spam folder. Enter your coupon code if you have one. After the 7 day period, you will be charged the full amount of the membership. Remember that at any time you can pause or cancel your membership. See conditions on the Privacy Notice Page that you will find at the bottom of any page and our Scholarship program. Thanks.




  • 2 Monthly meetings (One with Sarkhân and one with the community)
    Dates and times are published on the public Calendar or inside the Members area under Meetings.
  • Access to all our content & Activities of our Spanish Membresía Premium of our School >>
  • Private Community with Chat Group for English and Spanish
  • Special content for our community
  • Special Announcements and activities in our official chat
  • Tutoring from our collaborators
  • Exercises and powerful tools.


  • Recorded Video Meetings
  • Recorded Audio Meetings
  • Digital Material including meditation techniques and tools for inner exploration
  • Digital Wallet: Have a private account for depositing, purchasing services, accruing points for future use,
    or to share between members.
  • Download of PDF’s
  • And much more…



  • Reuniones Mensuales en Español:
    El 1º, el 10, el 15, el 20 y 25 de cada Mes
  • Reuniones Mensuales en Inglés.
    (En el calendario se encontrarán)
  • Sala de Meditación Virtual
  • Grupo y Chat Privado
  • Incluye la Membresía Sadhana en Español y la Premium para Inglés
  • Acceso a TODO el Contenido de la Escuela.


  • Cursos en Español:
    – Sâdhana para el Alma
    – Mindfulness – Atención Plena (2 Cursos)

    – Relaciones Conscientes

    – Iniciación al Método Sâdhana
  • Videoteca y audioteca del historial de todas las Reuniones y Sección de Especiales con Retiro Online Grabado
    (Archivo con cientos de vídeos con las reuniones grabadas que han sucedido dentro de la comunidad)
  • Temas: Variedad de Videos con herramientas y tips para explorar en tu vida diaria
    Categorías: Estrés, Actividad, Relaciones y Apoyo. / Mente, Experiencia, Meditar y Vida.
  • Meditaciones
  • Libros y PDF’s de descarga
  • Cartera Digital > cuenta depósito para servicios o intercambios entre los miembros.
  • Y mucho más…




We have the following organizations that protect the user from data protection, secure digital commerce with Paypal and Stripe, web digital certificate and our civil liability insurance. As well as the legal part and government offices that guarantee the legality and registration of the company.